Friday, June 5, 2009

Current Events

. Friday, June 5, 2009

I'm on with EOT...I'm on with E Signal...
The main reason for ESignal is to try to match Bill's trades in the room. I have RT data from IB, but the volume numbers are worthless. After all that, I don't see how its possible to take identical trades as he does. He basically uses market orders (buys the offer for example) but I see no way I could get those same fills. If you are going for just 4 ticks, the fill is the trade! Maybe he is on a super fast cable and Clearwire is holding me back...I have heard the same from others in the room, so I'm not the only one. You see the trading dome so I have to assume its all real...

The better news is I have already found some valuable tools in my EOT box of goodies! Found one that looks really cool and a couple more "maybes"...more testing is needed obviously. Good times...